“Here, please, take this bag,” said the lady in the line behind me at Hannaford as she eyeballed me juggling eight cans of Fancy Feast, a half-gallon of 2% milk and a bunch of bananas. I told her, “I only came in for milk and left my bags in the car but I can’t take your bag. I’ll just buy one.” 

“No you won’t! Take this,” she said.  “I’ll fit my groceries in my other bag.”


My cell phone rang. I saw the name of a Florida friend I hadn’t spoken with or seen in a few years. “Oh my gosh, Els, is everything okay?” I asked. 

“Yup. I just wanted to say hello and wish you and Mr. Wonderful a Merry Christmas. And I hope I see you in the new year.” 


The guy at the local Sunoco station looked at my 2023 silver Subaru and said, “New car, huh?”

I said, “Just drove it home from the dealership a few days ago and love it! Now, can you please fill it up with the super high test gas. I want to treat the car right.”

He looked at me, cocked his head, thought for a minute, then said, “You know, you don’t need that very expensive gas in this car. Don’t waste the money. This car will work perfectly on regular gas.” Then he smiled and added, “That’s an early Christmas gift.


Almost every day when I open my front door, I discover a festive package filled with home-made cookies or fudge, special soap or delicious pound cake. 

Yesterday, I texted my grandson Max: “Help! Can you go to the mall and get me (I can’t say the word; Mr. W. might read this!) for Grandpa — I just can’t manage fighting the crowds at Macy’s today.” 

His reply in a nanosecond: “Sure and happy to do that!” 


These are not trifles. These are unexpected gifts and gestures that fill my heart with Christmas joy and love. My fervent hope is that this generosity of spirit and caring for others continues throughout 2023 and beyond. We sorta need it.

Now …. have yourselves a Merry Big Christmas!