My brother Ross phoned this morning and said, “Val, I loved the interview and hope you send that link to your blog audience.” When I mumbled something about appearing braggadocios, he said, “Val, we’re in our 80s. We can do and say whatever we want — don’t be modest. Send out that link!”

“That link” brother Ross mentioned takes you to an interview I had several weeks ago with Mary-Lou Boucouvalas, library director of the Louis T. Graves Memorial Library in Kennebunkport. (Personal aside: Mary-Lou was just named Maine’s Librarian of the Year; she’s a great friend too.)

In WHAT’S YOUR STORY, Mary-Lou interviews people “doing interesting things” around the Kennebunks and, for some reason, she decided to chat with me. When Ross added, “Val, you said stuff in that interview I never knew you’d done!,” I thought, hmmm:  If my own brother got a kick out of hearing about my writing adventures, maybe my wonderful blog audience will too.

Her'e’s how to see it. Go to https://youtu.be/qUtSmBHQKxk

I hope you enjoy.  xxx Val

 PS When the video starts, it’s usually on MUTE. Just check the Big X in the little box on the lower right to activate the volume.

Link to YouTube interview: https://youtu.be/qUtSmBHQKxk